no dns resolver when OpenVPN is running

J.Witvliet at J.Witvliet at
Mon Oct 23 09:46:21 UTC 2017

"The DNS-resolver does not work anymore" is rather broad.
Is the DNS-server:
a) your local DNS-server?
b) your ISP DNS-server?
c) your VPN-provider DNS-server?

Please check the config on the vpn-server-side.
As an option, the vpn-server *can* push DNS-resolvers, (but don't have to)
Check potential internal/external-network conflicts
Is the server pushing an alternative default-gateway?
Can you ping the DNS-servers (see /etc/resolv.conf)  when VPN is down AND up
Firewall issue's when TUN-device gets up

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users [mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of robert rottermann
Sent: zaterdag 21 oktober 2017 18:27
To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions
Subject: no dns resolver when OpenVPN is running

hi there

i installed OpenVPN a long time ago and I started it manually from the cli up to now. Everything worked fine.
Today I installed network-manager-openvpn-gnome, and now can open the vpn
connection from the UI which ist much more convenient.

only ...

As long as the VPN is running, the dns resolver does not work any more, and I
can not connect to the internet.
how can I fix that?

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