Internet is dying - diagnostics

Xen list at
Sun Oct 22 10:37:30 UTC 2017

Volker Wysk schreef op 22-10-2017 2:25:

>> Normally this dump would contain responses from DHCP servers.
> It's the same output at the moment, now that the connection is up.

Really? This is the sort of output I get:

  - beginning of dump -
DHCP operation          : reply
Hardware type           : ethernet
Hardware address length : 6 bytes
Hop count               : 0
Transaction ID          : 0xdeadbeef
Number of seconds       : 0
Flags                   : 0x8000
Client IP               :
Your IP                 :
Server IP               :
Gateway IP              :
Client hw addr          : 00:1f:c6:25:10:e8
Server hostname         :
Boot filename           :
   Magic header          : 0x63825363 (OK)
   Message type          : offer
   SERVIDENT             :
   LEASETIME             : 40000 seconds
   RENEWTIME             : 20000 seconds
   REBINDTIME            : 36000 seconds
   SUBNETMASK            :
   BROADCASTADDR         :
   DNS                   :
   DOMAINNAME            : local
   ROUTER                :
  - end of dump -

> So the network card is broken?

In general like others say it is more likely that it is the switch.

> This doesn't work, although it is in the man page. Does that mean that 
> my
> network card (device) doesn't support it?

I guess.

>> It seems to me that you have a hardware failure.
> So, build a new network card? The current one should be on the main 
> board, not
> changable.

You can always try with an different OS or different router cq. switch.

If you can take your router out of the loop, then you can test directly 
with something else.

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