Middle click paste not working

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Sat Oct 21 22:10:21 UTC 2017

On Sat, 2017-10-21 at 17:26 -0400, Jack Wallen wrote:
> Fresh install of 17.10. Middle-click pasted worked once and then it
> stopped. Is there a way to configure this such that it will work?

So in (for example) gedit, you held down the left-hand mouse key,
dragged the mouse to highlight some text, then let go of the left-hand
mouse key. Some text was then highlighted. You then right-clicked
somewhere else in the document (clearing the highlight), then middle-
clicked, expecting the previously highlighted text to be pasted at the
current mouse cursor location. It didn't paste? Did anything happen -
did something else get pasted, did nothing happen at all...? And if you
do this and press CTL-V afterwards, what if anything, gets pasted?

My theories would be:

- you have a whizz-bang mouse and middle-click ain't middle-click (for
whatever reason, usually bad defaults of errors programming the mouse)

- you don't have a middle button and the middle-click simulation is not
turned on (or has been turned off)

- you don't have a middle button and you are not clicking the left and
right button simultaneously (or simultaneously enough)

- you've installed a clipboard manager and haven't got the hang of it
yet :-)

- the particular application you are using doesn't support pasting via
middle click - virtuals, WINE and some older GTK programs often have
this problem. If it works in gedit, then the problem is the particular

- some applications - notable LibreOffice - handle middle-click pasting
oddly. If you highlight something, click, then paste, the clipboard is
empty. You have to move the mouse cursor to where you want the paste to
happen, then middle-click. If you left-click to position the
application cursor first, the middle-click clipboard is emptied.

Test with gedit.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)

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