Ubuntu wiki

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Sat Oct 21 08:55:15 UTC 2017

I just want to voice here again.

Since the Wiki was limited to only members of the wiki group of the 
Ubuntu One account,

barely anyone still updates this thing.

If you look at many pages you come across, they are all grossly 

There needs to be another solution for the anti-spam system.

Either create a completely separate account for the wiki and manage that 
(manual activation or whatever) or find another way to deal with spam 
(trick bots).

For example the FakeRaidHowto, I know it is not a popular subject but


It really dates from Ubuntu 10.04.

Pages about the RocketRaid cards date from Ubuntu 9.04 as well and fail 
to mention, for instance, that there is someone maintaining the drivers.

The official support for many RocketRaid cards for instance does not 
extend beyond kernel 2.6 or kernel 3.3, but there is someone providing 
patches that build against the latest kernel headers.

And there are just many topics where the information is just grossly 
outdated, evidencing that in the past there was animo, and now there 

And before you say this is a "user" problem, Arch and Gentoo don't have 
this problem, neither does Debian so much, even though they also 
manually activate Wiki accounts.

I think no one just wants to be part of some "official" wiki group.

The whole idea of a wiki is decentralized editing, not "membership".

I know I don't even want to be part of that group, while otherwise I 
would have interest in editing.

And before anyone puts it on me: look at the wiki, it's not just me.

The combination of a centralized account + official membership of some 
group puts people off.

They're gonna be like, ah why bother.

But anyway, maybe I say too much, but this is just the current state of 


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