Software updater snuck in a package that is unwanted

Phil Dobbin bukowskiscat at
Wed Oct 18 14:17:30 UTC 2017

On 18/10/17 14:29, C de-Avillez wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 14:06:18 +0800
> Bret Busby <bret.busby at> wrote:
> <snip/>
>> So, if this package was not a trojan horse, according to the
> resposes
>> to my problem, that have thus farn been posted to the list, that
>> package should have been disabled.
>> Instead, the package has apparently been installing unlisted software
>> from unlisted sources, with the unknown software that it has
>> inastalled without authorisation, requiring a system reboot,
>> indicating that the unknown software that the package has installed
>> without authorisation, being software that affects and involves the
>> operating system
>> The package is clearly trojan horse software.
>> This is not a "bug".
>> This is a software package that should never have been installed,
>> installing unknown operating system software, from unauthorised and
>> unknown sources, showing that, regarding
>> "
>> people with vastly more experience than yourself that
>> they don't know what they're talking about.
>> "
>> as the information that they have stated,. would prevent the package
>> from installing software, is clearly, wrong.
>> And the actions of the package, have clearly shown
>> "that they don't know what they're talking about."
> Sigh.
> Folks, can we please let this die? Mr. Busby has made his opinion, and
> lack of understanding/knowledge known.
> Please let it go.

I couldn't agree more.



"For 50 years it was like being chained to an idiot"
Kingsley Amis on his loss of libido when he turned fifty

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