Gnome replaces Unity

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Mon Oct 16 05:11:17 UTC 2017

On Mon, 16 Oct 2017 00:50:29 +0200, Petter Adsen wrote:
>On 14/10/17 18:39, Liam Proven wrote:
>> Unity, GNOME 3 & Cinnamon use a newer version, Gtk3.
>> However, it's now been several years and Gtk3 has stabilised.
>> XFCE 4.12 has switched to it.  
>Has it?
>According to that it seems not, and the last I read about it that
>effort was still underway...

Ubuntu and Arch Linux build libxfce4ui against gtk2 and gtk3.

[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ sudo systemd-nspawn -qD /mnt/archlinux/ 2>/dev/null pacman -Si libxfce4ui | grep Ve
Version         : 4.12.1-2
[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ sudo systemd-nspawn -qD /mnt/archlinux/ 2>/dev/null pacman -Si libxfce4ui | grep De
Description     : Commonly used Xfce widgets among Xfce applications
Depends On      : libxfce4util  gtk2  gtk3  xfconf  libsm  startup-notification  hicolor-icon-theme
Optional Deps   : None

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