setting the network interface

william drescher william at
Sun Oct 15 10:59:06 UTC 2017

On 10/14/2017 3:32 PM, Xen wrote:
> william drescher schreef op 14-10-2017 20:55:
>> I do remember that some time ago Ubuntu stopped using a static
>> resolv.conf but I just can't figure out how to set it up now.
>> I read the manual and it suggests using pre-up and ethtool but I
>> remember that there is a way of defining the interface by 
>> editing a
>> file, just can't figure out which one.
> I thought /etc/resolv.conf was a symlink?
> What version of Ubuntu do you mean?
> Stuff has changed in 16.10.
> NetworkManager uses a stripped down version of dnsmasq but...
> I think you can just remove the symlink and replace it?

There used to be a conf file. Now I believe the conf is generated 
on the fly, but there is a place to put the defaults you want...I 

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