LibreOffice bundled with Ubuntu 16.04.3.

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Oct 10 09:29:48 UTC 2017

On 9 October 2017 at 02:01, Owen Thomas <owen.paul.thomas at> wrote:
> Hello again.
> In regard to my problems with LibreOffice in a recent message, I have just
> downloaded, verified, and reinstalled the 16.04.3 LTS available from
> canonical. This installation process seems to install a version of LO that
> is older than the one available from the software centre.

All software gets updated after release, yes. This is normal. LTS
point-releases (x.04-1, x.04-2 etc.) are released slowly, over the
year or so following an LTS release. They contain the current versions
/at that time/ of the constituent components.

If newer versions subsequently come out, they are incorporated into the distro.

> I've remove the preinstalled LO and install LO Writer only. Even though both
> installations say they are version 5, the installation from the software
> centre has a completely different look and feel.

The standard standalone version has its own look and feel. Ubuntu adds
a library to make LO integrate with Unity, and before Unity, with
GNOME. This is called ``libreoffice-gtk3'' (and before that

You may have omitted this with your custom install.

> As noted in the earlier
> post, the spell check, not working in the version bundled in the
> installation of the OS, works fine when installed through the software
> centre.

Did you re-test with your fresh install? Did you allow it to update
before testing?

> I have done my best to highlight what appears to be a problem with the
> installation of Ubuntu. I think this is something that someone who is
> involved in development of Ubuntu and LibreOffice should look into.

Once again: it works for the rest of us.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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