Build id vs Version number in Synaptic

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Tue Oct 10 05:53:36 UTC 2017

On Mon, 9 Oct 2017 15:31:21 -0500, Jim wrote:
>Why do some packages use a build id to show the latest version and 
>others seem to use a version number?  For example Libreoffice Calc
>shows a build id while Firefox shows a version number.
>This sometimes makes it difficult to determine how current a package
>in a repository is when comparing it to a version of a program you may
>have seen on the net.


leads to e.g.

It's not clear to me what you are actually asking regarding

libreoffice-calc (1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial2)

firefox (56.0+build6-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 and others)


You could use google to get information about special details and
general versoning schemes, also consider to read Wiki pages, e.g.

FWIW sometimes the versioning needs to be detailed, because versioning
done by upstream leads to misunderstandings, especially if building an
unreleased version from git necessarily is required, e.g.

[root at moonstudio ~]# jackd --version | head -1
jackdmp 1.9.11
[root at moonstudio ~]# apt list jackd2 2>/dev/null | tail -1
jackd2/xenial,now 1.9.10+20150825git1ed50c92~dfsg-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]

Sometimes upstream doesn't provide a version at all, so the only
landmark is the date.


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