Can anyone tell me what is wrong with LibreOffice?

Petter Adsen petter at
Sat Oct 7 11:08:38 UTC 2017

On 07/10/17 12:58, Xen wrote:
> Owen Thomas schreef op 07-10-2017 3:46:
>> That seems to have worked.
> Alright ( I didn't see those messages, they ended up in my spam ).
> In any case that's really weird if uninstalling and reinstalling didn't
> help.
> But maybe you just installed a new version of Ubuntu that fixed the
> problem?
> You say you have a very different looking and feeling LibreOffice.
> That must mean you have a different version right.

Did the OP perhaps install the LO snap now, and have the version from
apt earlier?


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