Name resolution with unqualified names

Xen list at
Sun Nov 26 06:57:57 UTC 2017

Kevin O'Gorman schreef op 26-11-2017 6:58:

> Finding all that to be somewhat less than immediately intelligible, I 
> anticipated a considerable learning curve.  Another approach occurred 
> to me.  Since all of the IP numbers are reserved, there's no need to 
> get them from a DNS server of any kind, or interfere with the 
> organization of /etc/resolv.conf.
> Also: /etc/hosts is still a file, and can hold this information.
> Accordingly, I'm working on scripts to gather and distribute the 
> relevant information in such a way that any future changes can be 
> propagated quickly.

Well it's cool that you do your own thing.

But let me condense the material then a bit.

- dnsmasq is a DNS and DHCP server and is a very small program.
- if you install it on one of your servers it can take over the job that 
the router is currently doing with regards to DNS and DHCP

- every computer has a hostname

- every computer that gets an IP through DHCP gives that hostname to the 
DHCP server.

- the DHCP server can use this hostname to give a fixed IP address to 
the client.

This was the:      dhcp-host=hostname,       that I 

(hostname == camelot)

- dnsmasq takes all of the hostnames acquired from DHCP clients and puts 
them in a list.

- this list is then used for DNS.

So again if you care. This is the contents of your /etc/dnsmasq.conf if 
you were to go this "route" ;-).

server=                   <-- mentions the google DNS server but 
can be your router
local=/local/                    <-- the local domain you want
domain=local,      <-- specify which network 
belongs to ".local"
dhcp-option=option:router,     <-- address your router has
dhcp-range=,,12h    <-- DHCP range

Replace 192.168.0.X with 10.0.0.X if you must.

You would have immediate name resolution.

But you would have to go to your router settings and turn off DHCP.

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