name resolution

Nils Kassube kassube at
Fri Nov 24 17:37:21 UTC 2017

Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 24 November 2017 02:07:26 Nils Kassube wrote:
> > Xen wrote:
> > > So by all extents and purposes, you should put mDNS AFTER DNS,
> > > unless of course
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Which they are doing.
> > > 
> > > Not practical necessity.
> > > 
> > > Politics.
> > 
> > As I understand it, you are not supposed to use any private domain
> > names.
> Thats BS, the warm, squishy stuff usually found on the ground behind
> the male bovine.

Thanks for the kind words.

> > Otherwise ICANN would have reserved a specific domain name for
> > private use, just like there are private IP adresses. So if you use
> > an unregistered domain name you are on your own and have to live
> > with the consequences if it gets assigned for something else. If
> > you want to avoid that the domain name of your LAN is in use or
> > gets "stolen" by someone else, you should register a domain.
> I have, see my sig, thats actually this machine, but it is NOT my
> local domain name and never will be.
> ICANN does not, cannot, control what I use for a domain name on my
> side of a router doing NAT for you to gain access to my web pages via
> my registered domain name,

I think you missed the point. Of course ICANN can't dictate what you do 
on your private network - which names and which IP adresses you use. 
OTOH, while they assigned private IP addresses, they don't seem to care 
about any names used for private networks, otherwise they would have 
reserved a name for private networks. So if they decide to assign the 
network name you used for a decade+ on your LAN to whatever purpose, it 
is up to you to either change the name or live with some things not 
working as expected. That's the kind of problem Xen complained about.


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