name resolution

Xen list at
Fri Nov 24 17:06:36 UTC 2017

Nils Kassube schreef op 24-11-2017 8:07:
> Xen wrote:
>> So by all extents and purposes, you should put mDNS AFTER DNS, unless
>> of course
>> Which they are doing.
>> Not practical necessity.
>> Politics.
> As I understand it, you are not supposed to use any private domain
> names.

This is fucking bullshit of course.

I mean why don't you stop telling such things.

> Otherwise ICANN would have reserved a specific domain name for
> private use, just like there are private IP adresses.

There was no necessity because the number of top level domains was very 

This was different with IPs, so your conclusion doesn't follow.

There were so few tlds, and none with anything longer than 3 characters, 
that no trouble ever arose and also didn't need to be governed.

This does not equate "Are not supposed to use it."

Private use of IPs was rampant and necessitated governance, this does 
not mean that before the governance people were "not supposed to" use 
any IPs on their (often disconnected) private networks.

Or any private IPs for that matter.

In fact without such disconnected use, the internet would never have 

The governance came after the fact after collisions started occurring.

It was not meant to direct, but to respond to issues that arose.

Governance is not required when people are not in conflict.

> So if you use an
> unregistered domain name you are on your own and have to live with the
> consequences if it gets assigned for something else.

Assigned for what?

For registration?

We are not talking about domain names. We are talking about top level 

Of which about 10 existed + country codes.

You don't even seem to see the difference.

> If you want to
> avoid that the domain name of your LAN is in use or gets "stolen" by
> someone else, you should register a domain.

Yes, you don't see the difference.

How does one, oh great Nils, register a top level domain for private 

Tell me how an individual can register a top level domain just for him 
or herself.


I mean, I don't want to, but I'd love to learn :).

I mean you are the one admonishing me here.

So I suppose you know what you are talking about?

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