Another rant

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Nov 16 19:33:58 UTC 2017

On 16 November 2017 at 19:50, Xen <list at> wrote:
> One of the problems I have is that even though I am becoming much more
> experienced in Linux, they are changing stuff faster than I can keep up
> with.


> I am also not great with learning existing configuration tools in the sense
> of automation scripts, so I write my own.

Ah. Potential problem there.

> I mean I now have a simple manifest system and I go to the root directory of
> it and I run "make" or "sudo make".
> It will read all directories that have a "manifest" file and execute the
> file referenced in it.
> So almost all of my system configuration is now done automatically.

Sounds like something better done with a standard tool such as Ansible.

> There's nothing not to like about it and I know I always do experimental
> stuff


Fair enough!

> However it's not getting easier and now I am not getting boot messages
> anymore maybe because the system boots too fast but I think it's because of
> changes.

Remove 'quiet nosplash' from the kernel parameters. And you know dmesg, surely?

> I don't have a zillion friends who can teach or show me the stuff they have
> learned.
> Learning Linux all by yourself is pretty hard.
> But Linux channels are usually too hostile for me to be able to meet friends
> there.
> For instance whenever you are having a friendly chat you are instantly
> shoved off into some offtopic channel where the conversation doesn't pick up
> again.

Agreed, strongly.

Altho' OTOH I recently joined the FB Linux group, and OMG, it's full
of morons. Noisy opinionated morons.

> Can you even boot Windows 10 from a logical partition?

The bootloader has to go into a primary. I think the rest can go
elsewhere. I haven't tried; I stopped fighting its preferences many
years ago.

> The annoying part is that usually in kuch Windows it is a breeze to get it
> running and stable too.


Often true, though.

> In Linux it remains experimental forever.

Often true. :-(

Until it's replaced with something else in 0.01x status.

> But that's mostly because many Linux people and developers are hostile to
> user friendliness.
> If you even suggest something that would be user friendly they become
> hostile.
> If you actually do it yourself they don't like it either.
> They want Linux to be spartan.

The thing is that the big driver is servers. Virtual servers, mainly.
If it isn't relevant to servers, a company won't throw much money or
many people at it, so it remains volunteer/hobbyist-driven and thus

> You said that.
> One dedicated person can achieve more user friendliness than a 1000 coding
> monkeys fighting Git and arguing about what needs to be done.

Up to a point. Depends on the tools.

A wise person once said "building an entire OS in C is like
hand-building a 100 metre model of a toothpick out of toothpicks."

Liam Proven • Profile:
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