Konsole select into primary clipboard

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 22:53:23 UTC 2017

On 11 November 2017 at 10:26, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:

>> MS-Word does that. It drives me crazy.
> Didn't know that.

If you do Paste Special.
> Except you haven't.
> You have been using an archaic side effect

*Shrug* So?

> that pretty much no one has been
> using,

Hey. Whoa whoa whoa! [[Citation needed]]

Among skilled Unix users, this is well-known and widely used, IME.
_Very_ widely used. More widely used than Vi, I reckon.

>  to augment a system that otherwise would be too limited.

Also total nonsense. There are about 100x as many Mac and Windows
users as Linux users. They all have only one clipboard. They seem fine
with it. I read no complaints. "Too limited" is _not true_.

> Yes and In Windows I Just Use Notepad As Another Scratch Pad but I haven't
> found a good, or I have never found a good notepad in Linux for that.


There are a thousand Linux text editors. What do you want?

[Stuff about vi snipped]

My usage of vi is so basic, I don't even try cut-and-paste, so I never
found this. I use it only for edits of just a few characters.

My Linux editor of choice is Tilde:


I have blogged about this:


> I still feel something good would have been lost.

National keyboards? Maybe so.

> Now that I know how to type the Euro I guess I can put the compose on the
> same button as you have.

It works for me. I don't use Alt heavily. I do use Ctrl heavily. But
use whatever suits you.

> But apple normally also just uses key combinations right?

Yes. I dislike them, because I have to memorise them, and they don't
work on anything else.

I have yet to find a way that actually works to get a compose key on
Mac OS X. This annoys me.

> I mean clearly if dead keys are this stupid then compose is superior.

Some people must like dead keys, I guess!

> I prefer to have it on right-ctrl actually but right-alt is faster...
> In the past while I was programming I would switch layouts but this was
> always annoying.


> I still prefer a good dead-keys thing, in fact in the Netherlands we have
> always used US keyboard layout for computers.
> We had Dutch layout for typing machines, but switched to US layout for
> computers.

I didn't know that. Interesting.

> The only issue with dead keys is that they have to be similar.
> So we never had the "multitude of different keyboards".
> The problem with Compose is that it is completely hidden.

If you look closely at a DEC keyboard, you'll see Compose has its own
dedicated key:


Sun gave it a dedicated key, too:


> Combination keys can be put directly on the keyboard.


> How is a novice going to learn about these combinations?

When I did that sort of thing for a living, I told people how it
worked and gave them a demo.

Then I made it a little game. I got them to try it and then made them
guess new combinations that I had _not_ shown them.

Most people quickly learn how it works and start to guess correctly.
This gives them a feeling of achievement -- positive reinforcement,
and it's fun. Leave them to experiment -- a check and reminder once or
twice after 2-3 days -- and they are off. It's a very discoverable

> If it was purely for proze I would never step away from the Windows dead
> keys.
> It only "bugs" while doing <--.

Compose + < + - == ←


And → too.

> And only slightly, but you get used to that and it never bugs you after
> that.

Ah, right, I see.

> The biggest problem is while coding :p.

I bet.

> Particularly because you couldn't, and can't, "fix" applications to a
> certain keyboard layout between restarts.
>> Compose + E + =
>> There you go. :-)
> Thanks.

Graag gedaan.

> Lol. Afraid of contamination.

Well, from what I regard as a nasty source.

>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_Cat
> Well you have your own goals to go after ;-).

Worth a read. Once there were some _radically_ different ways to edit text.

>> "Liam´s book" instead of "Liam's book". If you look, it takes much
>> more space. The gap between M and S is bigger with the accent than an
>> actual apostrophe. This drives me _crazy_.
> Not in monospace ;-).
> But yeah.

Heh. OK.

> Yeah I get that it solves the issue and sometimes I drooled about it in my
> sleep.... No just kidding.
> But it seems that for practical purposes a dedicated feature set for a
> specific layout is more pleasant.

If you mainly type only in 1 language, yes.

I have worked for several nationalities of employer in several
countries. For people with a more international life, it's a problem.

> I never explored all of the KDE options in the Advanced Tab.

That is a very deep rabbit hole.

> You can't select "alt-shift" as the key layout change key in the settings.
> But you can select it using a special option in the advanced tab.


> Okay so there are people who have tried to fix the thing and apparently
> succeeded but it doesn't work for me.

I really don't like KDE any more, either. I will reformat my work
laptop at some point and remove it again. Maybe try Cinnamon or

Liam Proven • Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • Google Mail/Talk/Plus: lproven at gmail.com
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