Hang on splash logo while booting

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Tue Nov 7 22:25:40 UTC 2017

On 07/11/17 06:55, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Nov 2017 22:45:01 +0000, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> Is there a way to replace the Ubuntu logo with something else while
>> booting?
> Sure, don't use a splash screen, if you don't want to see a splash
> screen and feel free to spend a few seconds with a google research,
> before sending a request to a mailing list.

Excellent, thanks. No, I didn't Google it because I really didn't expect 
it to be possible without major engineering.

What would be nice is to find out *what* it's hanging on, but I suspect 
that would need more surgery, because it boots in text mode perfectly.


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