Can't boot notebook from SSD

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat May 20 20:53:13 UTC 2017

On 20 May 2017 at 21:39, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
> On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Little Girl <littlergirl at> wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> MR ZenWiz wrote:
>>> Apparently the initramfs image does not recognize the SSD as a boot
>>> drive and refuses to load anything.
>>> If there's a solution, someone please let me know.  I'm going back
>>> to the hard drive for now.
>> We ran into an issue where a new SSD drive wasn't recognized and
>> solved it by using Kubuntu's partition manager to partition the
>> drive. We had already used Ubuntu's partition manager and the GParted
>> Live CD. Neither threw an error, but Ubuntu wouldn't recognize the
>> drive. For reasons unknown, the Kubuntu partitioner was able to do
>> what the others weren't. It behaved no differently from the others,
>> but unlike them, it somehow made it so that Ubuntu recognized the
>> drive and was able to be installed. It might be worth a try.
> I am unfamiliar with Kubuntu, so please post steps I can follow to use
> this (including what flags it set on the partition and how I would
> then install a different Ubuntu (Xubuntu) on that same drive).
> I have posted this question on AskUbuntu:
> Xubuntu 16.04.2 absolutely refuses to boot from my notebook SSD
> I feel like I wasted $88 at this point.

Do you have a non-ssd that does boot ok? If so then possibly you could
clone that disc onto the SSD and it should work. I don't think there
is any difference in the interface.


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