
Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Mar 21 15:22:49 UTC 2017

On 21 March 2017 at 16:18, Xen <list at> wrote:
> The anti-aliasing of the text in the window and the text in the decorations
> is identical, i.e. equally as bad.

Yes, I know that. My point is that I don't really care about small
details about how the text in title bars etc. looks as I do not study
them for long periods. I glance, scan, pick what I want and then my
gaze moves back to the work in progress.

For instance, on my old Netbook, I removed the package that gave
LibreOffice the GNOME look and feel. This made it change colour,
fonts, sizes, shading etc. However, it also made the dialog boxes
smaller, so that they fit onto my 1024*600 screen.

I didn't really notice the change. The actual documents I was working
on looked the same, so I did not care. The window title bars etc. are
just decoration and I mostly ignore them.

I suspect that this would drive you mad! :-)

Liam Proven • Profile:
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