Success with German DVB-T2?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri Mar 3 19:08:24 UTC 2017

Am Freitag, den 03.03.2017, 14:59 +0100 schrieb Ingolf Steinbach:
> Olivier, Nils,
> thanks for this information. The link to the VDR wiki seems
> promising;
> and maybe Nils' guess wrt encryption could be an explanation.
> Unfortunately there is only sparse information on the unencrypted
> programs (which are the only ones I am interested in). You only get
> the information that you need components with the "DVB-T2 HD" logo if
> you want to receive the *encrypted* programs. I have yet to find some
> statement if you really need CI+ support if you want to watch the
> unencrypted programs only.

if it works in any way equally to HD+ on DVB-S2 (which i would actually
expect, after all it is just a different transport mechanism for an
equal setup) all the free to air channels should work without any cards
or even requiring CI or CI+ ...

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