Success with German DVB-T2?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri Mar 3 10:28:09 UTC 2017

Am Mittwoch, den 01.03.2017, 21:40 +0100 schrieb Ingolf Steinbach:
> Hi,
> has anyone of you had success with watching (unencrypted) *German*
> DVB-T2 on *ubuntu? If so, would you share some information?

i run DVB-S2 (with HD+ via unicam evo) on libreelec/kodi with vdr since
quite a while (using a DVBSky 960C USB receiver) ...

seems most apps and drivers are not up to par yet with the new T2
standard but perhaps this helps:

note that you will likely not (yet) be able to see any of the encrypted
stations at all though.

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