nfs on 17.04

Tom H tomh0665 at
Thu Jun 29 08:31:49 UTC 2017

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 4:22 PM, R Kimber
<richardkimber at> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:54:29 -0400 Tom H wrote:
>> What do you mean by "on the PC"? That you have another computer that's
>> accessing these shares? How can it do so if you only have one ip
>> address authorized in "/etc/exports"?
> By the PC I meant the server
>> What I meant was "can you run 'mount -t server:/nfs/export/path
>> /local/directory/path'?"
> yes, I can do
> mount -t <server>:/nfs/media/audio /export/audio
> and see the files in /export/audio

OK. Thanks.

So the server's working.

So something's not right at the client end...

Is "nfs-common" installed on the RPi?

Can you mount the nfs share on the RPi if you disable the firewall on
the server?

What's the output on the RPi of

rpcinfo -p ip_address_of_server
(you'll only get OK output with a disabled firewall or after allowing port 111)

showmount -e ip_address_of_server
(you'll only get OK output with a disabled firewall or after setting
static ports and allowing port 111)

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