Linux-friendly laptops

Phil Dobbin bukowskiscat at
Sat Jun 24 17:01:16 UTC 2017

On 24/06/17 16:24, MR ZenWiz wrote:

> I'm looking at getting (yet anothre) replacement laptop and this time
> I'd like to buy one that works well with Linux.
> Current options are:
> ASUS G751JT (2 of these, possibly 3)
> Dell M6700 Covet
> The Dell is slightly more expensive, but I'm leaning toward it because
> I'm fairly familiar with Dells and they tend to be OS agnostic,
> durable and reliable.

I've always used HP's Elitebooks for Ubuntu. Very reliable, very easy to
install & no hassle setting up. It just does the business.


Cheers, Phil.
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