questions re: usb drive. fat32, linux file system

John R. Sowden jsowden at
Tue Jun 20 00:51:21 UTC 2017

Most USB sticks seem to be formatted with FAT32, probably because  
enough ms windows users have not discovered linux yet.

Q1: can Linux permissions, ownership, group, etc. be stored in FAT32?

Q2: If I backup a linux file (.ods, for example), and later I write it 
back to the linux hard drive, have I lost the ownership/permission 

Q3: I Copied a .ODS file from a USB stick to Ubuntu 16.04, and it had 
permissions, ownership, group data!  What gives?

I use Lijnux primarily, so I want to format the USB sticks to a Linux 
file system. Q4: Is this recommended?

Q5: Which is the best file system for USB sticks?

Q6: what is the command to write the file system?


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