How to get the systemd resolver to resolve local (i.e. unqalified) names?

Xen list at
Sun Jun 4 18:54:03 UTC 2017

Tom H schreef op 04-06-2017 20:03:
> On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 11:02 AM, Chris Green <cl at> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 04, 2017 at 04:42:41PM +0200, Xen wrote:
>>> Chris Green schreef op 04-06-2017 16:22:
>>>> In practice it doesn't though, my 16.04 systems work OK, 'host xxxx'
>>>> works where xxxx is an unqualified name.
>>> Because of the search directive.
>> Yes, of course, but in 16.04 the search directive is correctly written
>> into resolv.conf, it doesn't get put there in 17.04.
> On 16.04, "/etc/resolv.conf" was a symlink to
> "/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf" and the latter was generated from the
> "dns-*" values in "/etc/network/interfaces".

In my case ... oh. I probably have NetworkManager removed. I'm not sure. 
I think I have just set it manually? Or DHCP does it for me.

I am pretty sure it might be dhclient doing it?

I have no dns-* values in my /etc/network/interfaces.

Yes I am confident dhclient does it.

> On 17.04, "/etc/resolv.conf" is a symlink to
> "/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf" and the latter is generated by a
> systemd drop-in that only sets up a "nameverser ..." entry.

You showed this in your mail. It appeared it was a single line on 
ExecPostStart in a systemd unit file.

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