Strange behaviour of the "cd" command

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Mon Jul 24 20:02:46 UTC 2017

On Mon, 24 Jul 2017 21:52:54 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>On Mon, 24 Jul 2017 21:47:16 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>On GitHub there are only images from 4 years ago and regarding
>>the download is available by an AT&T website. Regarding the
>>DL_VERSION, it seems to be 5 years old.
>>#!/usr/bin/make -f
>>PACKAGE = ksh
>># Variables just for get-orig-source
>>SRC_VERSION := 93u+20120628
>>DL_VERSION = 2012-06-28
>>However, the perhaps interesting part is inside the Arch User
>>Repository's PKGBUILD,
>> .
>>        "http://${_opt_EPLUSERE}:${_opt_EPLPASS}"
>>        "${_debfile}"
>> # man page and misc files
>From the Arch PKGBUILD I missed this:
>So there even seems to be a more recent stable version provided, than
>available by Debian repositories.

I'm confused, actually Debian seems to provide the same stable release
as the Arch PKGBUILD does:

"o-o-stable: 93u+-1.2
 oldstable: 93u+20120801-1
 stable: 93u+20120801-3.1
 testing: 93u+20120801-3.1
 unstable: 93u+20120801-3.1" -

So I don't understand the rules files available by .

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