Transfer file from remote machine to local machine

Yubin Ruan ablacktshirt at
Mon Jul 17 00:36:27 UTC 2017

2017-07-17 4:49 GMT+08:00 Colin Law <clanlaw at>:
> On 16 July 2017 at 17:15, Yubin Ruan <ablacktshirt at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am having some trouble with transfering file from remote machine to
>> local machine.
>> I got a remote machine A and a remote machine B. Usually I log into
>> remote machine A using ssh and then use A as a relay to log into
>> remote machine B. But when I am in B, I don't know how to copy file
>> directly from B to my local machine.
>> Because remote machine A is a relay and I don't have write permission,
>> I cannot transfer file from B to A. And because B is only visible to A
>> (since B is a internal machine), I cannot access B directly from my
>> local machine.
> You have not said whether you can access the local machine from B.
> Also can you access A from B and can you access local m/c from A?

Sorry for that.
I cannot access the local machine from either B or  because my local
machine is behind a NAT. I can access A from B but I don't have write
permission on A (I don't own A. A is used as a relay, so you cannot do
much on A).


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