Xubuntu install on Win7 laptop fails

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Sat Jul 15 08:36:26 UTC 2017

Nils Kassube schreef op 15-07-2017 10:24:
> Xen wrote:
>> No. The numbers are entries in a table. If you remove an existing
>> partition and create new partitions in that space, they will get
>> higher numbers (higher indices in the table) while having lower
>> physical addresses.
>> This is why things get out of order. Unfortunately parted does not
>> have an option to reorder stuff. But gdisk can:
> But what would be the advantage if the partitions are sorted? OK, there
> would be no (IMHO useless) warning message, but that's it.

Nothing probably.

> I think fstab entries using the device name could produce unexpected
> results after removing partitions, no matter if the partiton names are
> sorted. Example: I have partitions sda5, sda6, sda7 and sda6 is in my
> fstab. Now I remove sda5 for whatever reason. Then my fstab entry for
> sda6 points to the partition which was sda7 before I removed sda5.

No, it will still be called sda7.

Sda6 will still be sda6 and sda5 won't exist.

> So no matter if the entries are sorted
> or not, bad things could happen, if someone really uses device names in
> fstab entries.

No, the in device numbers do not mutate.

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