unresponsive screen graphics

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 09:33:16 UTC 2017

On 28 January 2017 at 09:20, Karl Auer <kauer at biplane.com.au> wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-01-27 at 21:20 -0800, rikona wrote:
>> > Have you power cycled the system?
>> I did not turn off the power completely - I assumed that would not
>> make a difference.
> It does. It absolutely guarantees that RAM no longer holds anything put
> there by applications or the operating system, and thus that all
> software loaded at boot time is exactly what gets loaded off
> disk/network/ROM and is not corrupted (unless the disk/network/ROM
> version is corrupted).
> The right way to power cycle a system is to request a powerdown through
> the OS if possible. When that is complete (or if it's not possible)
> turn the system off at it's own power switch, if it has one, then turn
> it off at the wall (if the wall socket has a switch - some Euro and US
> sockets don't). If you can't turn it off at the wall, remove the power
> cable from the computer. If your computer has multiple power
> connections, repeat for all. Wait ten seconds, then replace everything,
> turn the power on at the wall if necessary, turn the power on at the
> computer if possible, the computer should start up.

On a laptop you would have to take the battery out too.


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