Write in root on NFS disk?

Conny Enström uncurbed at swipnet.se
Fri Jan 27 15:38:38 UTC 2017

I have a NFS Raid-1 shared and mounted NFS disk like this on the server:
/mnt/md0 *(rw,async,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,fsid=1)

I have also tried to export it like this: /mnt/md0 

I had 2 disks mounted exact the same before and had no problem with 
copying files to the root of the disks.

Mounted on the client with:
fstab /media/raid1 nfs auto 0 0

I can't write or copy any files in the root of the disk,I can create a 
folder without problem
What is wrong with the config?


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