More information on Server issues

compdoc compdoc at
Thu Jan 26 18:03:11 UTC 2017

On 01/26/2017 09:41 AM, Dr. Mikeal Hughes wrote:

> The only thing I brought over was the /var/www and below files. Did 
> that by using a live CD disk and using nautilus.

I think , but not certain, when you copy the files in this manner it 
changes the ownership of all the files to root, which is not 
appropriate. Also, there are often changes from one OS version to the 
next because packages get upgraded to new versions, so the config files 
are different. This is why I have said many times not to do this.

WordPress by itself is notorious for being hacked, but setting up a 
server that faces the Internet with the wrong permissions and settings 
is just asking for trouble.

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