Why do all the sudo? [was Re: Software updater no longer functional]

iceblink iceblink at seti.nl
Wed Jan 25 07:31:14 UTC 2017

On 2017-01-23 18:57, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> On 23 Jan 2017, at 11:16, iceblink <iceblink at seti.nl> wrote:
>> he typed "rm -rf /", typo, "TAB", something, "ENTER".
> And what is different, if somebody makes this typo using "sudo"? The
> same accident would happen. 1. Don't be root to delete something that
> doesn't require root privileges. 2. Don't use -rf, use -Ir. The same
> accident would happen when using sudo -i as well as when using sudo.

The difference is that you are asked for a password, and have 2 seconds 
to process in your brain what just happened. Those 2 seconds make a 
world of difference if you have an Oops!-moment like the one I 

But hey, it's a free world, you can do what you like (at least in Unix) 

Best regards,

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