My Continuing Failed Restore Issue Saga

Karl Auer kauer at
Sun Jan 22 21:39:14 UTC 2017

On Mon, 2017-01-23 at 08:06 +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
>  boot off your Live CD and fix the login problem.

Mike replied privately, but it should have been to the list:

> I originally had an issue when I installed a plugin update. So I
> tried to use my Clone backup up to clone it back to the server to
> give me a roll back to before the plugin. I guess I had not disable
> EFI when I took the clone didn't get a MBR file made and the EFI
> wouldn't work or repair. That is why I wrote over top of the Server
> HD with Ubuntu 16.04LTS. I don't want to do all the configuring. Want
> to some how install gnome onto the server. 
> Now what are the commands to add a new user. I will probably put my
> dogs name in it. Then how will I change my password for Macmike and
> set sudo for both? I have done it before but when you don't do this
> every day it's hard to remember. I have an easier time with the
> Wordpress stuff.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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