Is disk really bad if mkfs.ext4 -c -c reports errors?

W Scott Lockwood III vladinator at
Wed Jan 11 21:36:10 UTC 2017

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 3:10 PM, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:

> Your time is almost certainly worth more per MINUTE than the drive is
> worth per gigabyte.

This may be the single best piece of advice I have ever seen on this list.
As a Sr Admin for a financial news outlet, with over 500 machines I am
responsible for the care and feeding of, I agree whole heartedly.

In the end, servers and workstations are CATTLE, not PETS. If one gets
sick, you take it out back and SHOOT IT, and get a new one. Period.

W. Scott Lockwood III
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