Behavior change #2 in Synaptic

jim jf_byrnes at
Sat Jan 7 21:00:50 UTC 2017

On 01/07/2017 02:05 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> I was reminded by another post here that there's been a change that
> bothered me when I went from 14.04 LTS to 16.04.
> I seem to remember that if I was displaying, for instance, installed
> packages, then if I further did a search, the search applied only to those
> installed packages, not the entire universe.  As things now stand, my
> search results are often so numerous that it's very hard to locate the
> things I'm really interested in.


I think you are referring to a thread I started. It looks like you are 
seeing the same thing I saw. Here is sktsee's answer to me.

Are you referring to the "Quick Filter" box or the "Search for
Packages" (button with magnifying glass) search? If its the former you
need to make sure that you've installed the apt-xapian-index package in
order to get the "Quick Filter" box to show up in Synaptic.

Once I did that and the Quick Filter box appeared then a search in 
installed, from the Quick Filter box, would only return results from 

Regards,  Jim

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