Best Twitter client for Ubuntu 15.10

David Fletcher dave at
Tue Feb 28 16:32:54 UTC 2017

On Tue, 2017-02-28 at 07:49 -0500, Donald Parsons wrote:
> Colin,
> The last time I did the upgrade I lost all of my gmail correspondence
> and
> users.

I've said it before. No doubt others have said it before. No doubt I
will say it again:-
Hard drives are incredibly cheap, so never, ever run the risk of
trashing a working installation even if it is out of date. Back up all
of the files you think you might need to an external flash drive, USB
thumb drive(s), SD card(s), whatever you like. Download the latedt
version of your new operating system and burn to DVD or whatever your
system needs. Put in a new hard drive and install your new OS. Run the
updates, reinstate your users, recover your files from the backups you
just made. Everybody is happy.
When you get that "Oh, SHIT moment, just swap the old hard drive back
in, recover the file(s) you missed, go back to the new hard drive.
That's why you don't trash the old OS until you're absolutely certain
you've recovered everything you need from it.
Works for me :)

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