Odd need: to track down NUL bytes

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 18:13:53 UTC 2017

I've never run into this before, despite running Unix or Linux in my home
continuously since about 1986.  I had a system freeze-up on Jan 31 from
unknown causes.  The system affected is run as a computing server for a
hobby project of mine.  I thought all was well, and that I was able to
salvage the partial outputs of the jobs that were running.  I was wrong.

I now discover that some files that were under construction at that time
are corrupted with extensive NUL bytes.  These are usually text files.  I
want to find all such files and "cleanse" them to recover what information
I can.  With just about anything _except_ a NUL byte this would be easy,
but due to the special treatment of NUL in strings, it's not that clear to
me how best to even search for those bytes.


Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

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