gpodder and ubuntu

Brian b_lists at
Tue Dec 12 17:32:29 UTC 2017

On 12/12/2017 11:52 AM, Phil Dobbin wrote:
> On 12/12/17 16:42, Brian wrote:
>> Having just moved over to Ubuntu (16.04 LTS) when I managed to work
>> round a problem with the installer, I'm having trouble getting gpodder
>> up and running again.
>> It worked just fine under Debian Stretch, but when I installed it
>> again (from the repositores), trying to run the program produced the
>> load of (quoted) output pasted below.
>> Can somebody please translate this into what I need to do to get
>> gpodder running again, please, because it's over my head... :(
>> Thanks.
>> <paste>
>>> brian at brian-ubuntu:~$ gpodder
> Try launching the GUI version via the Super key.

Same happens as when I try to run the GUI version normally - no
visible output, the program never appears in the task list (or, more
likely, it appears but exits too quickly for me to see it).

That was why I switched to running in the terminal, to see whether I
could get some idea of what was happening. It did tell me what was
happening, I just don't understand the output. :(


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