How to coordinate the clock when dual-booting with Windows

Xen list at
Mon Dec 11 23:22:22 UTC 2017

Kevin O'Gorman schreef op 11-12-2017 23:48:

> Linux comes up and thinks it's 2 PM on Dec 11 PST.  Which it is.  But 
> this is weird.  I was expecting it to accept the BIOS time of 10 PM as 
> being local time.

> So why are no servers usable?  Is it possible my router is blocking 
> NTP?  Is it possible the standard config file is bad?  This is Ubuntu 
> 16.04.3.
> Clues, anyone?

Could be that systemd-timesyncd works fine and you see 2 PM because your 
box has already synced the time.

So you will have to check for these messages:

systemd-timesyncd[1718]: Synchronized to time server 

Before you can be sure about that.

Other than that, I suppose you did check:


  RTC in local TZ: yes

But here is a weird thing on my system....

       Local time: di 2017-12-12 00:17:36 CET
   Universal time: ma 2017-12-11 23:17:36 UTC
         RTC time: ma 2017-12-11 23:17:41
        Time zone: Europe/Amsterdam (CET, +0100)
  Network time on: yes
NTP synchronized: no
  RTC in local TZ: yes

How can the RTC be UTC when it is set to the local TZ?

But anyway I have no issues with Windows now.

For me it works.

I don't know about my BIOS.

But your BIOS behaves as if it does know the timezone...

After all, if everyone used UTC that means all BIOSes would now display 
the wrong time...

So I would first doublecheck that the above setting is correct.

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