How to coordinate the clock when dual-booting with Windows

Xen list at
Sun Dec 10 16:50:35 UTC 2017

Peter Silva schreef op 10-12-2017 17:24:

> Every six months, All of the files in the tree change, because the
> operating system reports a different date for the same file than it
> did an hour before... many thousands of files, and then they get
> processed... yes we can write vastly more complicated logic to work
> around this, but diffing files just won't work... twice a year.


Fat32 stores in local time, NTFS in UTC.

The problem is not the local time. The problem is UTC, I feel :p.

For Windows, this problem is that if you have a sync utility with your 
main system on UTC, and your backup on fat32 (e.g. USB stick) you get 
the same problem.

Fat32 simply won't change the time. It does not even have timezone 

03:00 on december 1 always remains that no matter what you do to the 

The calculations should be done when data is moved; the movement is a 
relative phenomenon.

Our UTC system would collapse the moment "central time" was defined 
somewhere else (e.g. in another solar system) because then we'd *still* 
have to do relative movement calculations the moment you move data from 
one system to another.

In other words, supposing the other system also used absolute time, this 
movement would be the difference between the two axes (if that made 
sense at all).

But it would be the exact same relative calculation we are now trying to 
avoid by using central time.

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