noauto option ignored in /etc/fstab?

Josef Wolf jw at
Tue Dec 5 10:52:10 UTC 2017

On Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 05:18:56PM -0500, Tom H wrote:
> "/etc/init.d/grub-common" has a "case" statement with
> start|restart|force-reload)
> log_action_msg "Recording successful boot for GRUB"
> [ -s /boot/grub/grubenv ] || rm -f /boot/grub/grubenv
> mkdir -p /boot/grub
> grub-editenv /boot/grub/grubenv unset recordfail
> log_end_msg $?
> so "/boot" is being mounted in spite of the "noauto" :(
> root at jwolf:~# systemctl status boot.mount

Seems that we're getting closer here:

   # systemctl status boot.mount
   ● boot.mount - /boot
      Loaded: loaded (/etc/fstab; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
      Active: inactive (dead)
       Where: /boot
        What: /dev/disk/by-uuid/2b61601c-84d6-47a5-80eb-9149ce116be8
        Docs: man:fstab(5)
   Dez 04 10:56:52 bu201 systemd[1]: Mounting /boot...
   Dez 04 10:56:52 bu201 systemd[1]: Mounted /boot.

Note the time stamp: that was the time the system was booted.

I understand that grub wants to remember that the last boot was successful.

1. It stores only an empty /boot/grub/grubenv (1024 bytes of '#' characters)
2. shouldn't it undo what it have done? When it needs to mount an unmounted
   partition, it should umount this partition again when done.

> [You might want to add "" to the "/boot" line in
> ?etc/fstab". "/boot" will be automounted when it's needed.]

Will this umount the partition again when it's no longer needed?

Josef Wolf
jw at

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