Why Windows 10 is bad

compdoc compdoc at hotrodpc.com
Sun Dec 3 19:13:28 UTC 2017

On 12/03/2017 11:43 AM, Xen wrote:

> MS has some very talented programmers.

I think that parts true, but I don't buy the rest of it. Windows 10 has 
proven to be stable not only in my day to day use, but also for several 
of my customers who use it in their businesses. Linux servers are great, 
but I still use Windows Server just for the ease of use of their dns and 
dhcp services, just because of their GUI.

Sure there are bugs and i read about them, but I let all our Windows 
machines update themselves and I never see the bugs. I update and reboot 
all the linux boxes manually, so they're actually more work.

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