Kubuntu SDDM kills keyboard

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 10:02:45 UTC 2017

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 12:59 AM, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:
> I stopped SDDM using systemctl stop sddm from within KDE this time and
> expected to be returned to a TTY as usual.
> It took away my keyboard and I had again no way to log in to a tty and
> restart it.
> It also took away the display like when it had gone to standby in a live
> session (the monitor).
> It could be related to multi-monitor but this is what it is.
> For the second time I have had to kill my computer and reboot it while it
> was doing something important.
> This has never happened to me before, also not before when I was doing the
> same multi-monitor using the same graphics card.
> Today it's a newer kernel (4.10 vs 4.4) and I don't know what else has
> changed.
> A different motherboard, yes.
> There are no weird messages in journalctl from the previous boot.
> Just sddm shutting down, that's it, and my session being killed, which is
> normal.

I've never run "systemctl stop lightdm.service" from within a DM
session. It seems barbaric. I've always switched to another VT after
logging out of the DM session and run "systemctl stop lightdm.service"
or "service lightdm stop" from there.

I've just run "systemctl stop lightdm.service" from within a DM
session. The session was killed and I ended up on a VT without a getty
running. Is this what you mean by "It took away my keyboard and I had
again no way to log in to a tty and restart it." Clearly, your
keyboards's still alive and well if you can switch to a VT and log in.

If pre-systemd and pre-logind, you were returned to a getty session
after killing a DM session from within that session, as if you'd
logged out of an X session after starting it with xinit, then you
simply have to get used to the new behavior.

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