enigmail 1.9.8 in Ubuntu 16.04

Thomas Hungenberg th+lists-debian at demonium.de
Mon Aug 28 11:23:19 UTC 2017

On 28.08.2017 11:58, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> This would become a long answer, especial since it's unclear if you
> even understand what the LTS release is.

Sure I understand what the LTS release is.
However, packages like Thunderbird are upgraded to new versions on a
regular basis in LTS (16.04 was initially shipped with Thunderbird 38).
The upgrade to Thunderbird 52 broke PGP support due to incompatibility
issues with enigmail 1.9.7. So I'd expect packaged versions of add-ons
in LTS to be upgraded to newer (compatible) versions as well.

    - Thomas

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