(Solved) Re: Upgrade path from MySQL to MariaDB broken? (Akonadi)

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Tue Aug 15 13:55:14 UTC 2017

Am Dienstag, 15. August 2017, 11:52:44 CEST schrieb Oliver Grawert:
> note that the nextclud snap runs its own setup scripts on first start
> to create the databases and such, it will take a bit (a few minutes at
> most), then you can access it through the web interface with your
> browser by either going to
> http://localhost/ or http://<your_ip_address>/
> and simply finish the configuration there (set an admin username and a
> password and click the "finish setup" button) see [1] ...


I had another apache2 running, which has shadowed the one which nextcloud 
brings along. So I couldn't see nextcloud's web UI. 

Later, I need to assemble both apache2's, because I also run a wiki.

Thanks for the explanation. I'm reading about Snap now.


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