(Solved) Re: Upgrade path from MySQL to MariaDB broken? (Akonadi)

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 14 09:01:04 UTC 2017

Am Montag, den 14.08.2017, 07:09 +0200 schrieb Volker Wysk:
> Hello!
> I've found it out, how you can solve/work around the problem:
> Nextcloud needs MariaDB. It won't work (so it seems) with MySQL. So
> mariadb-
> server needs to be installed.
> This replaces MySQL (mysql-server-core-5.7 and mysql-client-core-5.7) 
> with 
> MariaDB. The problem is that after that, Akonadi won't start any
> longer. 
> "aconadictl start" outputs a lot of messages.
> The problem can be repaired by doing this, after the installation of
> MariaDB:
> akonadictl stop
> rm -r ~/.local/share/akonadi
> akonadictl start

just as a sidenote ... did you consider using the nextcloud snap ?

it is maintained by nextcloud themslves, updated timely and completely
independent from the OS or the deb (usually new releases are
immediately available when upstream releases) and thanks to the
isolated nature of snap packages nothing can interfere with any system

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