Do the ubuntu repo offer an conglomerate sort of perl pkgs

Harry Putnam reader at
Tue Aug 8 01:42:52 UTC 2017

Sorry the Subject line is a bit confusing... couldn't think, right off
hand, of a good way to express what I mean briefly.

I run into some perl pkgs missing every once in a while, that I'd like
to get installed but would rather not have to screw around with cpan if I
can help it.

I'm a recent gentoo user where we had quite a lot of perl pkgs
available thru the pkg managing tools (emerge and friends) called
g-cpan .. still used cpan but a good bit of it was done by emerge.

I wondered if apt has something like that. Or maybe some meta perl
pkgs that install a bunch of related stuff in one go.

The particular pkg I'm after right now is File::Which... nothing too
serious there... but it saves some time when programming perl.

I know how to use cpan and have done so quite a few time... only a
superficial level of usage though.  I'm pretty sure when I setup cpan
and get to the point of installing File::Which I will have a whole
pile of pkgs installed... won't even be sure what a lot of them really

I'd rather have all that head scratching done by apt or aptitude.

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