(OT) Google: "Somebody knows your password"

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Sat Aug 5 11:18:11 UTC 2017

Am Freitag, 4. August 2017, 15:45:23 CEST schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> On Fri, 04 Aug 2017 15:17:06 +0200, Volker Wysk wrote:
> >Am Freitag, 4. August 2017, 11:54:20 CEST schrieb Xen:
> >> But DNS poisoning of an ISP is not going to be easy. So 99.999999%
> >> of cases you will just a see a phishing mail that will do what Joel
> >> suggests, hide the fact that you are going elsewhere.
> >
> >What if it's not a fishing attempt, but someone has somehow stolen my
> >google password?  :-(
> 1. Change your password! Since you already have done this, just at

Already done

> 2. ask Google support, if Google sent you this mail!

Done, too. No good. See my mail 2017-08-05 10:34:20

> >I have the IP of the attacker, whose login attempt has been blocked
> From where did you get it? 

>From google, the device activity page: https://myaccount.google.com/device-activity

> What should it be good for?
> Assuming it should be the real IP, what do you want to do?
> Do you want to press charges against somebody behind an IP, who perhaps
> accidentally fall onto the keyboard, so that by random your address and
> password was typed?
> Quite rightly German judiciary would give you a kick in the pants.

No. I thought it (the reverse lookup) might reveal something.

> Btw. you didn't mention if you are using 2-step verification. If not,
> why should have Google blocked the login attempt? Do you still have got
> the original mail?

That's which I'm wondering. And, of course I still have the original mail. I'm 
not carelessly deleting something.


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