(OT) Google: "Somebody knows your password"

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Fri Aug 4 13:30:06 UTC 2017

Am Freitag, 4. August 2017, 14:57:28 CEST schrieb Xen:
> > It wasn't a html mail...
> Google absolutely sends HTML email! But maybe those are preferences.

The mails which I recieved, are plain text messages. I couldn't find any 
setting on the goolge account page, about HTML mails. I also don't remember 
having turned off HTML in mails, either. Maybe security mails are treated 

> You can check this link to check all device history of the last 28 days:
> https://myaccount.google.com/device-activity

Yes, I know this feature.


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