How to tell which version of a application is running

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Tue Apr 18 00:48:29 UTC 2017

On Mon, 17 Apr 2017 19:21:00 -0500, Chris wrote:
>Output of your command above Ralf

There's no need to take a look at it anymore.

You either keep it the way it is now, but then you shouldn't be
surprised, if your install gets broken one day after an upgrade, or
if possible you try to purge all the "tracker" packages as recommended
by Karl and never installs something that depends on one of those

Note, for Nautilus it's just a suggested dependency, even not a
recommended one, ,
but for ubuntu-gnome-desktop, , it's a
hard dependency.

IOW it might be that you can't purge the tracker packages, then you
need to do what I described in my reply to Karl and you.

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