How to tell which version of a application is running

Xen list at
Mon Apr 17 16:24:07 UTC 2017

Ralf Mardorf schreef op 17-04-2017 18:03:

> Something could be running, that links against libraries provided by
> the "tracker" packages.

But if you don't remove them that doesn't matter.

That person is having headaches or flashbacks or whatever and you are 
(and I am too) overloading him with messages.

So you can go on citing every possible possibility of what might be 

But that doesn't help a person troubleshoot an issue that is having a 
hard time focussing on what needs to be done anyway.

He needs short steps and easy commands, not 6 versions of the same 
command that expand lib to lib64 or whatnot.

And other programs linking to libraries that you are not going to remove 
anyway is really the least of his concerns at this point...


What is easy for you and me to digest because we know this stuff and it 
is not much new in one go might not be the same for another person that 
is having trouble trying to understand what all of this means and trying 
to keep an overview of what needs to be done. Make sense, I might say, 
it is a Dutch expression (maintain overview).

Again to repeat and condense:

1) # sed -i "s/#RateLimitBurst=1000/RateLimitBurst=30/" 

--- will limit the amount of messages filling up syslog.

2) # pgrep tracker | while read pid; do readlink /proc/$pid/exe; done

--- will show all the executables of currently running processes that 
match a certain word.

3) You can install packages from Yakkety or Zesty if you want.

--- just temporarily add "yakkety" lines to /etc/apt/sources.list as 
duplicates of corresponding "xenial" lines.

4) # ls -ld /usr/local/lib/tracker/*

--- will show what alternative binaries are installed

5) # sed -i "s at usr/lib at usr/local/lib@" 
    # sed -i "s at usr/lib at usr/local/lib@" 

--- will botch up the configuration enough that those tracker services 
will either not run anymore or will use the self-installed versions ;-)

6) if you do botch up the official package installation you can always 
just reinstall it which will overwrite your botchings, so no harm there.

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